Monday, July 5, 2010

Li Po

A. White Sun and Bright Moon

White sun and bright moon
Run their course day and night.
How could we, humble mortals,
Live on leisurely on this world?
I learn that in the sea
There is fairly Peng-la hill
Where Angels often climb over
To pick green leaves of the jade tree,
Which, once being eaten, make their heads too dark
And they live in eternal youth.
I’ll go there, I’ll go there
To live and die in fairyland.

B. Lovely Woman

A lovely woman rolls up
The delicate bamboo blind;
She sits deep within
Twitching her moth eyebrows.
Who may it be
That grieves her heart?
On her face, one sees
Only the wet traces of tears.


  1. About Lipo two poems are give. If you want to read poems then you can read above give the poem. Both poems are good.


  2. White sun and bright moon
    Run their course day and night.
